Tuesday, 2 September 2014

How to choose A-levels or GCSEs(etc etc etc ..

So I have been studying my a-levels for 4 months now, and I know that isn't a great deal of time, however I am aware that so many people are choosing A-Levels and GCSEs at the moment and are finding it hard to pick subjects because they feel their whole life will depend on them.

Now first of all it isn't, please do not panic! Although they may shape your life, they aren't going to decide your whole life's plans. Most teenagers struggle to choose what to eat for lunch or what Disney film to watch, let alone what career path they want to follow for the rest of their lives.

Its normal to have some subjects that you are absolutely rubbish at (mine are things like art and PE), subjects you enjoy (mine are maths, chemistry, geography, french and performing arts) and subjects that you are naturally very good at even if you don't love them 100% of the time (mine are English, maths, french, physics, and chemistry). And personally I think its about getting the balance. At GCSE, there are the compulsory subjects that you have to take, these normally are: Maths, English Language, English Literature, Science, RE, Citizenship and PE. Which makes it slightly easier as you have to take these subjects in the first place so you don't have to choose these when picking your 4 subjects.

Now I've always been semi-smart in science so applied to take triple science, which wasn't cast as an option at our secondary school, you just applied and then took an entry exam and based on that, your year 9 classwork, homework and general behaviour, depended on if you got in or not. I was lucky enough to get in, and in terms of schooling i felt it was the best decision that I had ever made. The class was with each other for 6 science lessons a week (we had 5 anyway if we weren't in triple so it wasn't a massive difference)  , we were also in each others RE, Citizenship and PE class (yes mixed sex PE) possibly the most funny and enjoyable thing on the planet, normally involving playing dodge ball, hockey, netball (where the girls tried to teach the boys the rules but it ended up into a combination of WW2 and basketball, but it was a laugh never the less) and multiple multiple other sports. The majority of us were also in excel maths and/or excel English together which meant that combined we were near enough all together for a minimum of 15 lessons a week, and when you all got along it meant that you were laughing for the majority of 2 years. ANYWAY, sorry about the gassing, memories slightly flooded me! So if you have the opportunity or wish to take triple science then I'd recommend it.

Then you have the choice of choosing 4 other subjects (or 3 in some cases) and this is where the balance comes into place. PICK SUBJECTS YOU ENJOY!!! However you do need to be good or have some strength in the subjects too. I chose to take 2 academic subject and one double option that was more for enjoyment. So I took Geography, French and BTEC Performing Arts. Now don't get me wrong I loved BTEC, however when it came down to the coursework, there was always so much of it, i chose the course because i knew how much a stressed out in exam situations but it ended up that I was more stressed over coursework than exams, so if you really really really hate exam or don't achieve well in them then take a coursework subject, however if you work well under pressure then I would recommend taking exam based subjects.

I'd love to hear all of your thoughts on education opportunities, please let me know what subjects you are taken or have taken and any advice you have.

Lots of love

Little Mad One xo

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